24 november 2011

DEBATT Annie Lööfs uttalanden uppmärksammas i The Guardian

Förra veckans starkt kritiserade uttalanden av näringsminister Annie Lööf (C) har nu väckt uppmärksamhet även utanför Sveriges gränser. ”Swedish songwriters are up in arms after politician Annie Lööf suggested illegal downloads be legitimised for private use”, skriver brittiska The Guardian.

I en artikel som inleds med att storheten i den svenska musikexporten – framför allt i form av låtskrivare – lyfts fram, och avslutas med en kritisk förundran över vår näringsministers ideologiska synsätt, står det bl.a:

?What is interesting is that a leader of a party in the conservative alliance, who has Thatcher as a role model and whose position in the government is focused on trade, seems to view music as an ideological issue. She sees free access to all music as a human right that far outweighs the right of music-makers to determine what happens to their work or to compete in a market that offers them the chance to make a living from it. It sounds almost socialist. If it is, I can only assume that Lööf also believes musicians (and authors and film-makers and authors) should be wholly subsidised by the state.”

Hela artikeln finns publicerad på nätet. Se länk nedan!

Claes Olson
