2 februari 2009


EXTRA: Edguy flyttat till Klubben!

Edguys konsert i Stockholm 4 februari är nedflyttad till Klubben. Vi på Skrikhult fick detta meddelande från Edguys managemnet och Tobias Sammet som vi naturligtvis känner att vi måste visa respekt för. Tack vare nedflyttningen så finns det enbart ett fåtal biljetter kvar och vi rekommenderar ni som har väntat in i det sista att slå till nu!

"When Tobias found out that the show will take place in exactly the same room they played on the last tour and remembered the odd feelings he had when being on stage he had a student of supernatural science investigate the place and he attested that there are several subterranian water veins crossing right under the stage. Besides that Tobias who is a practising Feng shui-ist could not accept putting the stage vice versa to the other side of the stage. He willingliy accepted to play Klubben though and apologizes for the inconvenience.

We have received a statement of Tobias: "I wanna state, that it has absolutely nothing to do with the Merchandise concessions of 35% that they take at the main room which would have meant the shirts would have been enourmosly expensive for our fans. That's just a nice side effect. They will be much cheaper now!"