1 februari 2011

Citigroup övertar EMI

Det är nu bekräftat att det amerikanska finansbolaget Citigroup har förvärvat 100 procent av aktierna i EMI Group. Affären innebär att man skriver ner skivbolagets skuld med 2,2 miljarder engelska pund – från 3,4 miljarder till 1,2 miljarder pund (d.v.s. från drygt 35 miljarder till strax över 12 miljarder SEK), en nedskrivning med 65 procent. Samtidigt frigör Citigroup 300 miljoner pund i rörelsekapital för skivbolaget.

Enligt de första uppgifterna i amerikansk och brittisk media kommer EMI Group att fortsätta under samma ledning som tidigare. Skivbolagets CEO Roger Faxon beskriver övertagande som ?ett extremt positivt steg för bolaget”:

"The recapitalization of EMI by Citi is an extremely positive step for the company. It has given us one of the most robust balance sheets in the industry with a modest level of debt and substantial liquidity. With that solid footing, we are confident in our ability to drive our business forward. We have already made great progress in meeting the challenges facing our industry. The closer alliance between our two operating divisions is already delivering impressive results on behalf of the creative talent we are privileged to represent. We have a clear vision for the future, a strong and committed management team, and now the right capital and financial structure in place to deliver successful outcomes for artists and songwriters."

"EMI is an iconic business and we are completely supportive of both its management and its strategy. It is business as usual for everyone at EMI”, kommenterar Citigroups vice ordförande Stephen Volk och fortsätter:

"Citi today took ownership of MAL, the holding company that controls EMI. In the process, the previously unsustainable debt load at EMI was reduced by 65%, leaving the company with a strong balance sheet and the ability to invest in and grow its business. This is a positive development for EMI, its employees, artists, songwriters and suppliers. Our objective is to have EMI perform its absolute best for our shareholders over time.”

Claes Olson