Svenska ICE Services med teknikchefen Mats Lidström i spetsen har vunnit COMMON/IBM Power Systems Innovation Awards vid den årliga konferensen COMMON Annual Meeting and Exposition i Orlando. Lidström har varit ansvarig för utvecklingen av en databas för att förenkla licensiering och hantering av europatäckande musikrättigheter.
Resultatet av ICE:s arbete har beskrivits som en självadministrerande och dessutom mycket driftsäker produkt. Mats Lidström fick emot priset från Alex Gogh, chef för IBM:s serverdivision, inför 1100 gäster.
Motiveringen lyder:
“ICE Services swept the award by building from scratch to design a modern, and flexible centralized Music Documentation database, creating something to maintain and hold royalty and rights information for musical works throughout Europe. Using modern RPG techniques for their application combined with PHP for their web interfaces they were able to reinvent their complex Music Documentation service from the ground up, making it easier for their customers to manage royalties and license payments. And also allowing their customers to enter new markets, with a shared cost model. By creating a streamlined process automation ICE Services made their services more efficient and profitable in the long run.”
Lars Nylin
Bilden: Mats Lidström med priset flankerad av Randy Dufault och Alex Gogh, båda IBM.